Steeped in the rich traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, Kathmandu offers a captivating glimpse into the soul of Nepal, where spirituality permeates the very air. This lively capital has been recently honoured as the World’s Best Natural Destination for 2024 by TripAdvisor, the leading authority in travel recommendations. This prestigious award positions Kathmandu at the forefront of the Traveler’s Choice Awards, underscoring its unmatched appeal to those who seek beauty in nature and adventure. Furthermore, Kathmandu has achieved a distinguished rank among the world’s top destinations across various categories, showcasing its broad appeal.

Words Jennifer Pelegrin, Photography

Steeped in the rich traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, Kathmandu offers a captivating glimpse into the soul of Nepal, where spirituality permeates the very air. This lively capital has been recently honoured as the World’s Best Natural Destination for 2024 by TripAdvisor, the leading authority in travel recommendations. This prestigious award positions Kathmandu at the forefront of the Traveler’s Choice Awards, underscoring its unmatched appeal to those who seek beauty in nature and adventure. Furthermore, Kathmandu has achieved a distinguished rank among the world’s top destinations across various categories, showcasing its broad appeal.

Words Jennifer Pelegrin, Photography

This recognition from TripAdvisor is more than an accolade; it signifies Kathmandu’s captivating beauty and its essential role in boosting Nepal’s tourism on a global scale. Mani Raj Lamichhane, Director of the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), has praised this distinction, highlighting its importance in promoting Nepal as a top travel destination. He is confident that such international recognition will significantly benefit the country’s tourism sector, especially following the setbacks from the Covid-19 pandemic. As Kathmandu gains international fame, it invites global travellers to discover its natural splendours and cultural gems, thus playing a vital part in the revival and expansion of Nepal’s tourism industry.

A Rich Historical Heritage

Kathmandu, nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, boasts a history as majestic and complex as its landscapes. This city, now pulsating with the energy of modern life, has roots that delve deep into the annals of time, tracing back to at least the 3rd century BC, as evidenced by ancient texts and archaeological findings. Originally known as Kantipur, the city was the capital of the Licchavi Kingdom, which flourished from the 4th to the 8th centuries AD, marking the dawn of Kathmandu’s significance in the region’s cultural and political arenas.

The Licchavi period witnessed the construction of some of the city’s most iconic landmarks, which today are pivotal to Kathmandu’s identity. The era set the foundation for the city’s architectural and cultural development, which reached its zenith during the Malla dynasty from the 12th to the 18th centuries. This period is renowned for its advancements in art, architecture, and culture, with the construction of the Kathmandu Valley’s famous Durbar Squares – Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur – each a testament to the city’s historical significance and artistic legacy.

These squares, alongside the Pashupatinath Temple and the Swayambhunath Stupa, among others, not only serve as key historical landmarks but also as living museums of Kathmandu’s evolving narrative. They stand as enduring symbols of the city’s ancient roots and its lasting significance in the cultural and political life of Nepal. The architectural marvels of these sites, characterised by intricate wood carvings, ornate pagodas, and expansive courtyards, echo the splendour of Kathmandu’s past and continue to draw admiration from around the world.

Through the ages, Kathmandu has transformed from a confluence of ancient trade routes to the political and cultural heart of Nepal, embodying the spirit of its history while marching forward into the future. Its historical landmarks not only contribute to its identity but also to its soul, encapsulating the essence of Kathmandu’s rich heritage and its ongoing story.

Why Tripadvisor Chose Kathmandu

TripAdvisor’s choice of Kathmandu as the Best Natural Destination for 2024 shines a spotlight on this historic city, not just for its breathtaking natural scenery but also for its profound cultural and historical significance. This accolade, derived from TripAdvisor’s meticulous criteria, underscores Kathmandu’s unique blend of attributes that distinguish it from other global destinations.

Natural Beauty: At the forefront of Kathmandu’s appeal is its stunning natural beauty. Situated in the Kathmandu Valley, surrounded by towering mountains, the city offers an awe-inspiring panorama that captivates visitors. Its proximity to the Himalayas means Kathmandu is not just a city but a gateway to some of the most majestic landscapes on the planet. This unparalleled natural setting plays a crucial role in its selection, offering a serene and sublime backdrop that contrasts with the vibrant life within its streets.

Visitor Reviews: Central to TripAdvisor’s evaluation process are the reviews and feedback from millions of travellers. Kathmandu stands out in this regard, with visitors consistently praising its rich tapestry of experiences. From the warmth of its people to the spiritual solace found in its ancient temples and stupas, the city offers a depth of experience that resonates deeply with those who explore its wonders. These authentic visitor testimonials highlight Kathmandu’s capacity to offer not just a visit but an experience that touches the heart and soul.

Distinguishing Features: What sets Kathmandu apart are its unique offerings that merge nature with culture and history. The city is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swayambhunath Stupa, and Pashupatinath Temple. These historic sites, along with the city’s festivals, culinary delights, and artisanal crafts, offer a glimpse into a culture that has thrived for centuries. Kathmandu’s capacity to offer such a diverse array of experiences within its natural and cultural landscape is a key factor in its recognition by TripAdvisor.

Global Recognition: Kathmandu’s acclaim is further bolstered by the international recognition of other Nepali destinations, notably the listing of the Mustang municipality by The New York Times and CNN as a must-visit place. This global spotlight on Nepal’s diverse attractions, from the cultural richness of Kathmandu to the rugged beauty of Mustang, underscores the country’s appeal as a destination that offers both natural beauty and cultural depth.

Cultural Heritage

Kathmandu, the cultural heart of Nepal, is a city where ancient traditions and festivals breathe life into the streets, and spirituality is interwoven with daily routines. This city’s cultural significance is rooted in its diverse festivals, traditions, and religious practices, which collectively forge its unique character and identity. Kathmandu is not just a city but a living museum, showcasing centuries of history, religion, and art that continue to thrive in the modern age.

The city’s calendar is marked by numerous festivals, each reflecting the rich tapestry of Kathmandu’s cultural and religious life. Dashain and Tihar, the most significant Hindu festivals, see the city come alive with lights, colour, and celebrations embodying the spirit of victory and light over darkness. Similarly, the Buddhist festival of Losar and the sacred month of Gunla highlight the city’s profound Buddhist heritage, showcasing the harmony of diverse religious practices coexisting within the valley.

Central to Kathmandu’s cultural heritage are its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, jewels that represent the pinnacle of Nepali art and architecture. The Kathmandu Durbar Square, with its palaces and temples, stands as a testament to the city’s medieval glory. Swayambhunath and Boudhanath Stupas are not only architectural marvels but also centres of Buddhist learning and practice, attracting pilgrims from around the world. Similarly, the Pashupatinath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is a sacred pilgrimage site, illustrating the profound spiritual fabric that constitutes the city’s ethos.

These sites are more than historical landmarks; they are the beating heart of Kathmandu, embodying the living history and cultural dynamism of the city. Through the preservation of these relics, Kathmandu not only honours its past but also ensures that its rich cultural heritage continues to enrich the lives of future generations. The city’s festivals, traditions, and sacred sites collectively contribute to its distinctive character, making Kathmandu a unique destination where history and spirituality are experienced in vivid colour and profound depth.

Cuisine Of Kathmandu

Kathmandu’s cuisine is a delectable testament to its cultural diversity and rich culinary traditions. The flavours of Kathmandu are shaped by the varied topography and ethnic diversity of Nepal, resulting in a palate that is distinctly unique. Food in Kathmandu is not just sustenance, it is an integral part of Nepali culture, reflecting the city’s history, traditions, and the everyday lives of its people.

The cornerstone of Kathmandu’s cuisine is the traditional Nepali thali, a harmonious assortment of different preparations served on a single plate. This meal typically includes dal (lentil soup), bhat (steamed rice), tarkari (curried vegetables), achar (pickle), and meat dishes for those who partake. The simplicity of the ingredients belies the richness of flavours, making it a must-try for any visitor.

Street food in Kathmandu offers a window into the city’s soul, with momo (dumplings) leading the charge. These bite-sized delights, filled with either vegetables or meat, are a testament to Tibetan influence and have become a beloved snack across Nepal. Another street food staple is chatamari, often dubbed ‘Nepali pizza,’ a rice crepe topped with ingredients like minced meat, eggs, and vegetables.

For those seeking an authentic taste of Kathmandu, a visit to the old city’s alleys is indispensable. Places like Asan Tole offer an immersive culinary experience, where one can savor Newari dishes like bara (lentil pancakes) and yomari (steamed rice dumplings filled with sweet substances). The bustling streets of Thamel also offer a plethora of dining options, from traditional Nepali eateries to cafes serving international cuisine, catering to the diverse tastes of its visitors.

For an unforgettable dining experience, Krishnarpan Restaurant in Dwarika’s Hotel provides a traditional Nepali meal in an elegant setting, offering dishes that span the breadth of Nepal’s culinary heritage. Similarly, the Newa Lahana in Kirtipur offers an authentic Newari dining experience, where guests can enjoy traditional dishes amid panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley.

Kathmandu’s cuisine is a reflection of its multicultural tapestry, offering flavours that are as varied and vibrant as the city itself. From bustling street corners to serene traditional restaurants, Kathmandu invites its visitors to embark on a culinary journey that encapsulates the essence of Nepali culture.